Saturday, April 28, 2012

Introducing the Tor-abulous Tools and Ryh-tastic Resources Series

Welcome all you classy creators, groovy geeks, wicked writers, radical readers, and anyone else stopping in for a look-see. This series is all about what treasures we can uncover. We here at Tor-abulous seek to uncover those tools and resources that any shared storyworld puppet master, transmedia project designer, or crazy creator could use in her or his toolbox. The reviews are usually short, sweet, and cut right to the quick. We are here to provide you with help, not to do your book report, laundry, or dishes. And we expect quid pro quo. If you have a resource or tool that you cannot live without or a sizzling find that can be deemed tor-abulous and ryh-tastic, please do not be greedy by keeping it to yourself. Spread the love, and share it with us.  After all dears, isn’t that what a shared story world is all about?

Today’s Resource: Gimp—image-editing software (

Hopefully many of you already know and love this gem of a program.  Much has been written about it, and  many tutorials are out there (check out, — a great support community including an awesome tutorial section, and for just a small sampling).

I am not a graphics designer.  I am a tech-lover who designs a few web pages and loves to create wikis and other fan-generated content. Technology does not scare me. I am a bit of a geek, but I do not program computers for a living. This puts me at a slightly above average technology skill level. Why am I giving you my background?  Because I have found GIMP to be easy to use and not too “technical.”  After working through the basic tutorials, I found it very easy to produce basic graphics (such as banners, altering images, and background graphics). GIMP offers the same basic structure and features as Photoshop.

GIMP is “free” (free to download, but if you like it and want to support creativity, hard work, and those who brought this awesome program to you, you can donate).  If you’ve not already looked at this program, it's worth the time to take a look.

Do you have a favorite graphic/image editor? Please share.

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