Our Blog's Series

Here at Behind the Tales we chat about a lot of topics, anything goes. Along with the assortment of miscellany, we do have a few series that pop up from time to time.

Behind the Scenes

tag/label - behind the scenes

Behind the Scenes is one of the series we'll be offering here at Behind the Tales. Behind the Scenes serves as a chance for you to peek behind the curtain and see what is brewing in the story world kitchen.  This series is a way to meet those working on this awesome project and to find out just what it takes to put something like Tales of Ryh'na together.   We look forward to showing you around, giving you inside information, and chatting about how we built this storyworld.

Nuts 'N Bolts

tag/label - nuts and bolts

Since the moment we first conceived of creating the Tales of Ryh’na (TofR) Shared Story World (SSW), we’ve found ourselves trying all manner of new programs. Some we dropped, but many more we’ve learned to use with at least sufficient proficiency to accomplish our tasks. The main lesson I, for one, have taken from this experience is that all the answers are never in one place. Each program has involved hours of researching “How-To’s” and studying tutorials, which also required a great deal of researching to find.

We thought it might be a good idea to gather as much of that information as possible in one place. We realize we won’t get ALL the answers either, but we will get the ones that were used to create the various TofR sites, graphics, and content. So, welcome to the TofR Nuts ‘N Bolts series. We hope they make your website creation experience a lot less research-and-tutorial-cramming intensive than ours was and continues to be.

Tor-abulous Tools and Ryh-tastic Resources

tag/label - torabulous tools

This series is all about what treasures we can uncover. We here at Tor-abulous seek to uncover those tools and resources that any shared storyworld puppet master, transmedia project designer, or crazy creator could use in her or his toolbox. The reviews are usually short, sweet, and cut right to the quick. We are here to provide you with help, not to do your book report, laundry, or dishes. And we expect quid pro quo. If you have a resource or tool that you cannot live without or a sizzling find that can be deemed tor-abulous and ryh-tastic, please do not be greedy by keeping it to yourself. Spread the love, and share it with us.  

last updated May 19, 2012